Feedback. We need it and we fear it. Often enough we don't mind giving it, though. There is something of a rush to unloading on another hapless writer.
Good feedback? Well, can't get enough ego strokes, can we? This is a story about some feedback I received.
I know a woman named Emma in the Republic of Georgia. Beautiful, wonderful woman who was a Red Army combat operating room nurse in WW II. It is insufficient to say that she is an impressive woman. I am limited by my inability with words.
One conversation we had, maybe a couple of years ago, has stayed in the front of my mind every day since. I couldn't get it out of my mind though to her it must have seemed like the plowing of old ground with a foreigner who wouldn't understand anyway, a throw-away chat.
This past fall I finally wrote about that conversation in "Emma's Story -- 1". I'll post it here one of these days but this isn't a set-up for what I wrote. Heck, this isn't even about Emma. This is about feedback and how what you write can have effects that you can't imagine.
Yesterday Emma's granddaughter Ioana called me. Ioana is a colleague at
CCRFund and a close enough friend that I think of her as one of my two Georgian daughters. We're that close.
Ioana told me she had translated my story and read it to Emma. And to husband Lio. And then to all her family and friends. She said they cried. She said what I wrote added something important to their family. She said that Emma approved.
I had worried a lot about that last one. Emma is a fine lady. What if she thought I was making fun of her? What if she thought I'd ambushed her or embarrassed her? What if I got it wrong? I did get some of it wrong. What if I can't write well enough?
Where I'm going with this is that any of these fears could have stopped me from writing her story. They DID stop me for over two years but eventually I just had to say something. I'm really glad that I did. My reward is going to be that we spend some time together in Tbilisi this Jan. - Feb. and I get to learn more of her incredible story. Believe it, I won't wait two years to write about her again.
That's the wind-up, here's the pitch: Don't wait to write those stories and poems that are spinning around in your head. Don't wait to ask someone "Would you tell me about... ?" When something occurs to you or moves you or intrigues you, write about it. You'll hate yourself if you miss an opportunity. I've missed too many myself and I hate that. I'm trying to do better. Put it out there and see what happens. Maybe nothing, but maybe you'll add something to someone's life. Maybe you'll make someone cry that you actually took the time to write.
"Emma approved." Good enough feedback for me.