
Writers write ... right here, right now

I'm in Tbilisi again for a month, working for an EU project. Thus I spent Inauguration Evening (morning in the US) with good Georgian friends watching the events on CNN. All of us were fascinated by the manifestation of freedom in America.

Congratulations, Mr. Obama. In your first few hours you said the right things, outlined substantive goals and challenged us all to step up for America. You looked good, you sounded good (some peculiar CNN criticisms to the contrary) and you gave us all motivation and confidence.

I fielded some interesting questions and heard a bunch of interesting remarks. It occurs to me that there isn't a general understanding of our Republican-Democrat divide and how it differs from the concept of "opposition party". I admit the difference may be subtle. Bush Derangement Syndrome suggests that difference may no longer even exist. Opposing points of view are necessary to a free people. I hope we can overcome the cynical view that only one party knows how best to govern and get past the days when diatribe replaced discussion.

Here in Georgia even the most astute observers wonder: after elections do Americans really come together, work together in support of their leaders no matter their party? I explained that yes, we do. I hope I live that assurance. Political differences and slights are not always and not easily put aside but we believe they must be for America to persevere. We strive for a joining of hands in common purpose, working together to further not only our interests but for what we perceive as the interests of both our allies as well as those who are not allied with us.

"Freedom isn't free" is one of my favorite mantras. It's not well understood either. In the FSU (and likely elsewhere but I'm not so widely traveled) one of the most common anti-reform assertions you here is that "the people of (insert country name) are not yet ready for freedom but we (leaders du jour) are leading them in that direction." But there is no such thing as a "national version" of freedom. Others may not define your freedom! That's what freedom is all about. There is only... freedom. The PEOPLE aren't ready to be free but somehow WE are? Those are the words of despots, not free men. To illustrate, the citizens of Russia know they are not free but Mr. Putin says they are redefining freedom in the Russian way. They're not, he is, and their freedom isn't free.

Start with free speech, a free press and free elections. The rest will follow. Yes, we can.

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I am so pleased that you were able to watch the proceedings. That was my first thought when you announced the time line in which you would be gone. And I thought of you yesterday while it was all taking place.

I agree with the "talking heads" that there was no single phrase that you could pull out as "quotable for the ages". But I was impressed how he talked to me, my neighbors, my community, my nation and people of the world. It was a subdued (by his standards) speech. It was a well crafted speech worthy of re-examination.

He has challenged us to rethink how we conduct the way we make policies. He has challenged us to rethink what it means to be safe. He has challenged us to build-up our nation from the bottom up. He promotes educating our children, rebuilding our infrastructure (the demise of the Roman Empire, in part,was due to letting the roads deteriorate) and treat our enemies with respect while mindful of our fundamental values as a nation.

I am excited how this man has mobilized the youth of our country. That is how we made it to the moon! It takes a leader with a clear vision to make a group of people successful. Whether it is raising our children, coaching a sports team, running a business or leading a nation, a well defined plan of action and a commitment from the participants is essential to success.

I am a busy man. My wife is even busier than I am. But we are committed to his call for public service. We can start at home by cleaning closets and donating old coats etc. to those less fortunate than ourselves to help them get a new start. We can clean our yards and help our neighbors repair, paint and clean up their property. We have, and will continue, to volunteer our time in the community when called upon to help out on a project.

It may not change the world, it may not help the country, it may help the state of Oregon, it WILL make a difference in our community and our neighborhood. It may free up others to do more extensive good deeds to impact more people. Multiplied by millions of others doing the same thing and we can free up the resources for much larger projects.

Keep preaching "freedom isn't free". We need our young men and women to protect our nation. But we need YOU and ME and MY FAMILY and MY NEIGHBORS and MY CITY and MY STATE and MY COUNTRY to go back to the concepts that built this country. Speak freely, help you neighbor raise a barn and together we can discourage the bad people from controlling our lives.
I am happy and proud to agree to my friend's thinking and rational postion. As I've said it many times in our conversation, Chuck, here again I would like to write that I wish if not ordinary citizens, at least politicians come to such thinking sometime soon in Georgia!....

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