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Book Review
Title: This Is Your Brain on Joy
Author: DR. Earl Henslin
Foreword: DR. Daniel G. Amen
Publisher: Thomas Nelson

"A Revolutionary Program for Balancing Mood, Restoring Brain Health and Nurturing Spiritual Growth"

When I first started reading the book I immediately liked how it addressed me in the first person, I felt welcomed which is quite important when reading this type of book. The way it was written makes it very easy to understand, this is good because it allows people of all reasonable ages to read the book and become interested in different aspects of the brain.
When referring to a situation to explain different aspects it often referred to things which are relevant to today such as the war in Iraq and also used examples which referred to the lives of those which we all know very well for example Abraham Lincoln, but at the same time it used ordinary people as examples which allows the reader to relate to an ordinary life situation.
Another positive aspect was that it asked a lot of questions which makes you think about what you are reading and at the beginning of every chapter there is a small quote about the brain E.g. Oscar Wilde said "But strange that I was not told, That the brain, In a tiny ivory cell, God's heaven or hell".
The author has written the book in a way which makes it humorous which is important in a book such as this because a lot of people struggle to stay focused when reading something as factual and scientific as this book.
The book also allowed interactions such as the Amen brain system checklist which allows you to assess your own brain functioning and see which part of your brain is off balance and also recommends products to help fix problems with different areas of the brain which may be of interest to some people.
At the very end of the book it offers additional resources, which if somebody wishes to look deeper into an aspect of the book, these could be very useful. It offers an index aswell which is important because of the type of book that it is, of course the book is packed with information and you don't want to have to read all the way through it if you are just looking for one particular thing.
On page 241 of the book, Dr Henslin has offered us his notes so that we know exactly where to look for additional information such as other books and websites which saves the reader a lot of time searching the information and i am sure they will appreciate this help. Finally on page 244 Dr Earl Henslin has added his website, his phone number and information on booking private counselling sessions with him which finishes the book off making the reader feel like he wants to help rather than just writing a book to make money.

The only disadvantages i really found with this book were mainly at the start, it started off extremely slow and all the thanks were put at the front of the book and it took me several days to get through it because I wanted to get straight into the thick of the book, however this wasn't a big issue because I new that due to the type of book it is, I may have to read a little into it before it got properly started.
By the end of the book I felt that I new Dr Earl Henslin personally and that during the duration of the book he enlightened me to new aspects of life and how to generally feel happier and healthier in life. I recommend this book to anyone who wishes to know more about the brain and wants to gain a new aspect on their own life. It is a very refreshing and uplifting book and I thoroughly enjoyed the read.
By Scarlet Ordish.

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