I finished this yesterday. What a very strange book. It's a murder mystery set in and around Sitka, Alaska, in the present. Except it's not the Sitka we know or the present we know. This is a huge metropolitan Sitka populated by some of the world's Jewish refugees who are about to lose their sanctuary. At least, that's what I got out of it.
I know next to nothing about Judaism or Jewish culture. Sure, there have been plenty of references to it in my reading over the years, I've had some Jewish friends and there was one Jewish girlfriend back in 1966 or so, but I can't say I paid much attention. I never had to.
This book was an uncomfortable read for me, taking me away from my usual mystery expectations and immersing me in the Jewish culture of an alternate history. That is a good thing in theory, not so easy in practice when all you want is a light read. It also forced me to pay more attention than I normally do. Another good thing, certainly, but... uncomfortable.
I recommend this book. Chabon's writing is superb and his imagination is to die for. Just be prepared to be challenged and, in the end, a little unsettled. This is not a book that you will stop thinking about once you finally put it down. I haven't.
Amazon has an excellent Washington Post book review by Elizabeth McCracken HERE.
What a great title. I appreciate the head's up. But I will pass.My experience in Alaska last year was unpleasant enough. I don't need anything to remind me.